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Home > Europe - Europe - Europa
Please download the directory of development organizations, Volume III Europe:
VOLUME III.A (A - M, 5.8 Mb)
Europe - Europe - Europa III.A
VOLUME III.B (N - Z, 5.0 Mb)
Europe - Europe - Europa III.B
Countryfinder. Alternatively, you may download the individual country files of Volume III Europe. The countries are listed in English alphabetical order:
Albania - Albanie - Albania
Andorra - Andorre - Andorra
Austria - Autriche - Austria
Belarus - Bélarus - Belarús
Belgium - Belgique - Bélgica
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnie-Herzégovine - Bosnia y Herzegovina
Bulgaria - Bulgarie - Bulgaria
Croatia - Croatie - Croacia
Cyprus - Chypre - Chipre
Czech Republic - République tchèque - República Checa
Denmark - Danemark - Dinamarca
Estonia - Estonie - Estonia
Faroe Islands - Iles Féroé - Islas Feroe
Finland - Finlande - Finlandia
France - France - Francia
Georgia - Géorgie - Georgia
Germany - Allemagne - Alemania
Gibraltar - Gibraltar - Gibraltar
Greece - Grèce - Grecia
Hungary - Hongrie - Hungría
Iceland - Islande - Islandia
Ireland - Irlande - Irlanda
Italy - Italie - Italia
Kosovo - Kosovo - Kosovo
Latvia - Lettonie - Letonia
Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein
Lithuania - Lituanie - Lituania
Luxembourg - Luxembourg - Luxemburgo
Macedonia, FYR - Macédoine, ERY - Macedonia, ERY
Malta - Malte - Malta
Moldova - Moldova - Moldova
Monaco - Monaco - Mónaco
Montenegro - Monténégro - Montenegro
Netherlands - Pays-Bas - Países Bajos
Norway - Norvège - Noruega
Poland - Pologne - Polonia
Portugal - Portugal - Portugal
Romania - Roumanie - Rumania
Russian Federation - Fédération de Russie - Federación de Rusia
San Marino - Saint-Marin - San Marino
Serbia - Serbie - Serbia
Slovakia - Slovaquie - Eslovaquia
Slovenia - Slovénie - Eslovenia
Spain - Espagne - España
Sweden - Suède - Suecia
Switzerland - Suisse - Suiza
Turkey - Turquie - Turquía
Ukraine - Ukraine - Ucrania
United Kingdom - Royaume-Uni - Reino Unido
Vatican City - Cité Vatican - Ciudad Vaticano
Note: pdf-files last updated on: 28/06/2011
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